Also, check out my papers and posters.

EEG Signal Classification in Asynchronous BCIs A Journey from Time Embedding to Convolutional Networks. Elliott Forney, Charles Anderson, Patricia Davies, William Gavin. Presented at the Workshop on Deep Learning and other Machine Learning and Signal Processing Methods for Analyzing EEG in BCI Paradigms at the International BCI Meeting, June 1st, 2016, Pacific Grove, California. Invited Speaker.
- Brain-Computer Interfaces: Demonstrations and Discussions of Applications. Charles Anderson, Patricia Davies, Marla Roll, William Gavin, Elliott Forney and Colin Heffern. Presented at the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America (RESNA) Annual Conference, June 13th, 2015, Denver, Colorado. Oral Presentation and Live Demonstration.
- A Direct Brain-Computer Interface for Multimedia and Environmental Controls. Elliott Forney, Charles Anderson, William Gavin, Patricia Davies. Presented at the Colorado State University Ventures Annual Meeting, April, 2015. Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral presentation. Selected Student Speaker and Competition Finalist.
- A Brief Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces. Elliott Forney. Presented to a graduate course on human-computer interfaces, April, 2015. Department of Technical Journalism, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation. Guest Lecturer.
- A Brief Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces. Elliott Forney. Presented to a graduate course on assistive technology, April 10th, 2014. Department of Occupational Therapy, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation. Guest Lecturer.
- Representing and Classifying EEG in Mental Task BCI. Elliott Forney. Research Exam defense. Colorado State University, Department of Computer Science, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 27th, 2013. Oral Presentation.
- Controlling Robots with Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces. Elliott Forney. Presented to the Colorado State University Robotics Club, February, 2013. Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation. Invited Speaker.
- A Brief Introduction to Brain-Computer Interfaces. Elliott Forney. Presented to a graduate course on assistive technology, April, 2013. Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation. Guest Lecturer.
- Electroencephalogram Classification by Forecasting with Recurrent Neural Networks. Elliott Forney. Master’s Defense. Colorado State University, Department of Computer Science, Fort Collins, Colorado, December 2011. Oral Presentation.
- Classification of EEG During Imagined Mental Tasks by Forecasting with Elman Recurrent Neural Networks. Elliott Forney and Charles Anderson. Presented at the International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN), August 5th, 2011, San Jose, California. Oral Presentation. Selected Student Speaker.
- Modeling and Classification of EEG by Forecasting with Recurrent Artificial Neural Networks. Elliott Forney and Charles Anderson. Presented at the Front Range Neuroscience Group (FRNG) Annual Meeting, December 7th, 2011, Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation. Winner of Best Student Presentation Award.
- Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis for fMRI. Elliott Forney. Presented to a course in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI), April 2011. Department of Psychology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Fast Feedforward Neural Networks with CUDA and OpenMP+SSE. Elliott Forney. Presented to a graduate course on High-Performance Computing, May 2010. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado. Oral Presentation.